
Fine Art Photography Workshops and Tours

Ocean Capture

Ocean Capture

Icelandic Winter Horses

24th - 29th January, 2026

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Fully Booked

Icelandic Horses are one of the oldest breeds of horse in the world. They were brought to Iceland long before any of the European Breeds that we are so familiar with had been established. The Icelandic Horse, along with only a couple of other rare breeds, represents the closest link we have to the first domesticated horses.  

This wonderful photography workshop led by Jonathan Chritchley concentrates entirely on these beautiful horses in the rugged winter terrain of Iceland, shooting them in different locations and at different times of day. From our base at good quality hotel on a ranch with its own horses on the south coast, we will shoot at waterfalls, fields and by the coast. This is a unique opportunity to work with these wonderful animals in the stunning landscape of their natural habitat. Travelling in a specially adapted 4x4 vehicle, we will access areas that are often closed at this time of year in Iceland, to be able to shoot these wonderful animals, resplendent in their spectacular and positively prehistoric wooly winter coats, in their natural environment. 

Workshop Highlights:

  • Stay in a great hotel with its own horses
  • Work with these amazing horses in their natural environment
  • Slideshows, processing & image reviews
  • €4900
  • Loading...
    • Airport Transfers
    • 5 nights' single occupancy accommodation & breakfast in very good quality hotel
    • Flights to and from Keflavik, Iceland
    • Other meals & drinks not mentioned above
    • Insurances
  • Flight to Keflavík airport, Reykjavik, Iceland (KEF), arrive before 16.00 on 24th January, 2026. Depart Keflavík airport, Reykjavik, Iceland (KEF), depart after 16.00 on 29th January, 2026.
  • Minus 3 to plus 4°C, some snow, cloud and wind
  • 9.30 / 16.30
  • Workshop
  • Moderate
  • 5